Having children is not easy! It gives you a lot of fun, but it is not easy, definitely. It means you must be always creative and never get tired. Growing children like mine requires to be full of energy all the time. It also needs you to be very well organised. I plan everything. Every morning I schedule the day, every Monday I schedule the coming week and every first day of new year I schedule 365 coming days! And now the time to schedule the coming vacation has just come.
I am this kind of mothers who like to make sure their children spend their time constructively. And that’s why, I decided to organise them the best time ever. With Mark we decided to devote 2 months for travelling around Europe. The first goal is Krakow, Poland. Mark says the city is a quintessence of European culture and art. I have never been there so cannot wait to see it all. We’ll take this opportunity to visit Auschwitz. Not sure yet whether we’re gonna take the kids to the museum, maybe it would be better to show them such places where they’re older… But yeah, that’s a must see, definitely.

Then we are going to Croatia. There we’re just sunbathing and swimming in the sea. Oh, maybe we’ll visit Zagreb – apparently it is the most charming Balkan city. After 4 days spent there we are heading for Beijing. Well, the only thing I hate about the whole trip is time spent in vehicles….. We’ll be travelling for 12 hours from Zagreb to Beijing. In Beijing Mark has a friend and like he said – we are very welcome. Perfect! We do not need to look for a hotel cause we already have the accommodation. Moreover, this is even better news for the kids since Mark’s friend has two kids jus like we. His children are in almost the same age as our babies.
For now that’s it. The 5 remaining weeks were gonna plan the next week when we both have more free time. The last few weeks including weekends have been the most busy days in my life. But it is always like that when the end of year comes near. If you have any advices or ideas regarding our coming word trip don’t hesitate and leave your comment below.