Well, that was one of the most difficult decisions of my life. After 5 years spent at home raising my little children I felt it is too long. Of course I loved spending time with the kids and must admit I have been always very lucky and happy mom supported by my dear husband. But there comes a time in every mother’s life when you feel you’re starting changing. It is not about physical changes but it’s all about mental changes.
Before I became a mum I used to work very hard in a big office. By profession I am an accountant. Sometimes it happened that I worked for 16 hours a day! You may think this is crazy but in fact… I liked it! I loved my job and until I got marry and had the first baby it was not a problem to spend most of my time at work. Then everything has changed. My family became the main priority. My husband was jealous of my job – I used to devote most of my free time. So I started spend more time with him. And since the kids were born I have been totally lack of time.

Firstly I tried to work from home but in the long term it is hard to handle while behaving two sweet but so active children! You may imagine how hard was it to me to make that decision and give up my work, stop my career. But, as I said, there comes a time where your priorities change and mine have changed the moment my kids were born. Since then, for the next 5 years I was just the mom. After 5 years spent at home i felt I cannot stay like this no longer. I needed the change. Well, we’ve found a nanny for the children and I started looking for a job. That was very hard time tome. 5 year break looks terrible i your curriculum! Finally I was lucky to meet my very good friend from my previous job. We had so much to talk about! It turned out she quitted soon after my leave.
Why – I was asking. She told me the atmosphere at work was worse and worse and finally she decided to start her own business activity. I’ve received a few very important advises from her and decided to do the same. I started to run my own business. After few weeks I had so much work that I needed to hire an assistant. Now I am full time estate agent and mom but wonder about hiring another one assistant as I want to spend more time with my family again.